Contribution Guidelines

Please follow the guidelines below to contribute to any Parsec repository.

  • Contributions follow the GitHub Standard Fork and Pull Request workflow. This guide might help you if you are not sure!
  • The changes are accepted under the Developer Certificate of Origin, so you must add the Author and Signed-off-by fields to your commit message. See [1]. By default, git should add the Author field automatically so you just have to make sure that you commit your changes with git commit --signoff in order to add the Sign-off-by field.
  • The changes submitted need to pass the various Continuous Integration checks before being merged.
  • The files of this project use a copyright notice referring to "Contributors to the Parsec project". The contributors are specified in the file in the parallaxsecond/parsec repository. If you want to, please make a pull-request in that repository to include your name or your organization.

[1] Required commit message fields:

Author: Full Name <email address>
Signed-off-by: Full Name <email address>

If you'd like to get a feel for what we're looking for in contributions, we also have a checklist for PR reviewers here.

When planning to publish code to a package manager, make sure to read our package management and versioning guide.

Copyright 2019 Contributors to the Parsec project.