
Destroy a key. Opcode: 3 (0x0003)


key_nameStringName of the key to erase


No values are returned by this operation.

Specific response status codes

  • PsaErrorNotPermitted: The key cannot be erased because it is read-only, either due to a policy or due to physical restrictions.
  • PsaErrorCommunicationFailure: There was an failure in communication with the cryptoprocessor. The key material might still be present in the cryptoprocessor.
  • PsaErrorStorageFailure: The storage operation failed. Implementations must make a best effort to erase key material even in this situation, however, it might be impossible to guarantee that the key material is not recoverable in such cases.
  • PsaErrorDataCorrupt: The storage is corrupted. Implementations must make a best effort to erase key material even in this situation, however, it might be impossible to guarantee that the key material is not recoverable in such cases.
  • PsaErrorCorruptionDetected: An unexpected condition which is not a storage corruption or a communication failure occurred. The cryptoprocessor might have been compromised.


This function destroys a key from storage. This function also erases any metadata such as policies and frees resources associated with the key. If a key is currently in use in a multi-part operation, then destroying the key will cause the multi-part operation to fail.



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