
Verify the signature of a hash or short message using a public key. Opcode: 5 (0x0005)


key_nameStringName of the key to use for the operation
algAsymmetricSignatureAn asymmetric signature algorithm that separates the hash and sign operations that is compatible with the type of key
hashVector of bytesThe input whose signature is to be verified
signatureVector of bytesBuffer containing the signature to verify
  • key_name must be the name of a public key or an asymmetric key pair. The key must allow the usage flag verify_hash.
  • hash is usually the hash of a message. See the detailed description of this function and the description of individual signature algorithms for a detailed description of acceptable inputs.


No values are returned by this operation. If Success is returned the signature is valid.

Specific response status codes

  • PsaErrorNotPermitted: The key does not have the verify_hash flag, or it does not permit the requested algorithm.
  • PsaErrorInvalidSignature: The calculation was performed successfully, but the passed signature is not a valid signature.


With most signature mechanisms that follow the hash-and-sign paradigm, the hash input to this function is the hash of the message to sign. The hash algorithm is encoded in the signature algorithm. Some hash-and-sign mechanisms apply a padding or encoding to the hash. In such cases, the encoded hash must be passed to this function. The current version of this specification defines one such signature algorithm: Raw PKCS#1 v1.5 signature.

Note: To perform a hash-and-sign algorithm, the hash must be calculated before passing it to this function. This could be done with the operation PsaHashCompute or with a multi-part hash operation. Those operations are not yet implemented. Alternatively, to hash and verify a message signature in a single call, you could use PsaVerifyMessage.



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