Parsec Rust Client Threat Model

This document presents the Threat Model for the Parsec Rust client crate. The interactions between the Parsec client library and any external software components is assessed. Currently the presence of an Identity Provider is not considered as part of the scheme due to uncertainty as to how the dataflow would look in such a case and what security issues might arise. The threat model indirectly covers a secondary use pattern, namely via a Secure Element Driver (SE Driver) that bridges between Mbed Crypto and the Parsec client, allowing usage of the Rust stack from a C-language environment.

Dataflow Diagram

Dataflow Diagram


Basic requirements based on which the client can be used securely. Mitigations can be implemented to make the system more resilient, but if some of these assumptions are not met, the security implied by Parsec cannot be guaranteed.

  1. The platform on which the client application is running is trusted by the client to host the Parsec service
  2. With the lack of an identity provider, all applications running in parallel on the platform that could access the Parsec service are trusted to not interfere with or impersonate the client application.
  3. The client application obtains or generates a persistent name that it uses consistently for accessing its service-side assets.


What we want to protect. Each one of these has a combination of Security Property: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. The assets are labelled so that it can be seen in the threat tables below which ones are impacted by each threat.

Application Identity - AS1

Ideally, the Client Library gets its Application Identity from the Identity Provider. However, without an Identity Provider in the system applications are expected to handle their identities on their own. The identity will be used by the service to partition the assets it stores for clients into a namespace for each one.

Confidentiality : if known (the authentication token), an attacker could impersonate a specific application and execute operations in their name.

Client’s data- AS2

Data sent through the client as part of a request to the service.

Confidentiality : some of the client’s data could be confidential (example: a buffer to encrypt).

Integrity : the data should not be modifiable by attackers. The client should be certain that it is interacting with the legitimate Parsec service.

Configuration data- AS3

Configuration data passed by the client application to the library. There is some overlap between the configuration data and the application identity, as the identity is stored within the client library and could thus be considered part of its configuration data.

Confidentiality : if known (the authentication token), an attacker could impersonate a specific application and execute operations in their name.

Integrity : the data should only be modified by the client application as doing otherwise might prevent the client application from accessing Parsec functionality.

Client’s cryptographic keys - AS4

Keys provisioned by the client within the service.

Confidentiality : (private) key material is sensitive data and should not be exposed.

Integrity : neither public nor private key data should be modifiable by attackers.

Availability : the client must always be able to use their cryptographic material.

System and client application stability - AS5

The application which is using the Parsec client library and the sytem as a whole must be kept stable and responsive.

Availability : the client application must not be crashed by the library in any way.


Each dataflow is analysed from an attacker’s perspective using STRIDE method. Nothing is supposed on the different components.

In the following tables are present the type of each possible threat, its description, its mitigation status and the assets impacted. A threat can be unmitigated (U), mitigated (M) or operational (O). The assumptions context applies for all threats but when one of them is particularly relevant, it will be noted with ASUM.

Attacker “Request to Service” - A1

This attacker uses the inter-process endpoint, presumably created by the service, to interfere with the communication between client and service.

SAn attacker impersonates the service by establishing an IPC endpoint that spoofs the one used by Parsec to exfiltrate any data found in requests.O-0, O-1AS1, AS2, AS4
SAn attacker impersonates the service and responds to requests using bogus or malicious data.O-0, O-1AS2
TThe attacker modifies the data sent or received by the client while it is in transit through the IPC.M-0AS2, AS4
RThe service denies having sent responses to or received some requests from the client.U-1, O-3
IAn attacker obtains requests sent by the client by sniffing the IPC traffic or spoofing the endpoint.M-0, O-1AS2, AS4
DAn attacker could remove the IPC endpoint or block traffic through it.O-1AS4
DAn attacker could swamp the service with requests so that the client's requests take a long time to service.O-2AS2
DAn attacker could tamper with incoming responses to exploit vulnerabilities in the client library and crash the client.M-0, M-1, U-0AS5
EAn attacker could tamper with incoming responses to exploit vulnerabilities in the client library and run code in the same user as the client.M-0, M-1, U-0AS5

Attacker “Library Memory” - A2

This attacker gains access to memory released by the client library, containing potentially sensitive information.

IAn attacker reads requests and responses from memory.U-2AS2, AS4
IAn attacker reads out the application identity from memory.U-2AS1


0Client library dependencies are not checked for Security Vulnerabilities.A vulnerability in one of the Parsec client dependencies will also impact the client application and the data it shares with the Parsec library.
1Authenticity of responses is not ensured through a MAC or asymmetric signature – it relies on trust in the platform administrator.Any response from the service could have been spoofed or altered by any entity with sufficient capabilities.
2Parsec does not currently clear sensitive data in memory after use. This is looked at here.Any data that passes through the client library could be read after the memory is released.


0Parsec interface uses an IPC mechanism respecting confidentiality and integrity of messages transmitted between the clients and the service (once the initial connection has been made).Unix Domain Socket: the sockets used on the client and service side for the communication are represented by file descriptors that are only accessible by those processes.
1The Parsec client is coded with safety in mind and is tested extensively.Open

Operational mitigations

0Clients need to know from a trusted source that a trusted Parsec service is running on their machine so that they can trust the IPC endpoint.
1The IPC endpoint should be secured so that only privileged users can remove or alter it.
2A set of mutually trusted clients has restricted read-write access to the service IPC endpoint.
3The Parsec service is configured to display detailed logs about all requests made by clients.

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