Using Parsec from the Command Line


Many useful Parsec operations can be performed using Parsec's command-line tool, known as parsec-tool. The tool can be useful when you need to perform administrative steps in order to integrate Parsec with another component in your system. Such integrations might require the creation of a key pair or a certificate request, for example. You can also use the parsec-tool in your shell scripts when you need to automate seqeuences of operations for key management and cryptogpraohy. Use this short guide to get familiar with basic use of the most common operations.

Installing the Parsec Command-Line Tool

To use this guide, you need to have parsec-tool installed or built.

For installing, use the following command:

cargo install parsec-tool

For building it, use the following commands:

git clone
cd parsec-tool
cargo build

To run the example commands in this guide, you will also need to ensure that the parsec-tool application is available on your $PATH. If you installed the tool using a package manager, then this will happen automatically. If you downloaded a binary or built the tool yourself from source code, you may need to modify your $PATH, or copy the parsec-tool application into a folder that is already searched.

Before proceeding, ensure that you can run parsec-tool from your shell or terminal window as follows:


This should display a help summary.

Checking the Version

The following command will display the version number for the parsec-tool installation that you are using:

parsec-tool --version

You normally don't need to worry about the version. Parsec is designed with a robust protocol between client applications and the service. It should be possible for any version of the parsec-tool to work with any other version of the Parsec service. However, running an older version of the parsec-tool might mean that some commands are unavailable.

Getting Help With Commands

This document does not contain detailed man pages for all of the commands. We hope to be able to make man pages for parsec-tool available online in the future. For the time being, you can use the tool itself to generate help text for the available operations.

To generate a help summary for the tool as a whole, simply invoke parsec-tool without any arguments, or with the --help argument. This will display the summary help text, which includes a list of all available commands.

To get more detailed help text for a specific command, use the --help option for that command. For example, to get help text for the create-rsa-key command, you would type:

parsec-tool create-rsa-key --help

This will provide a full help text for the command, including documentation for all of the command-line parameters that this command accepts.

Setting the Service API Endpoint

Parsec uses a Unix domain socket to carry commands and responses between client applications and the service. Since parsec-tool is a Parsec client application, it also uses this domain socket to send commands to the service. By default, the Parsec domain socket has a full path of /run/parsec/parsec.sock. The parsec-tool will expect to find the socket endpoint at this location.

If your service configuration has been modified to use a non-default socket path, then you will need to tell the parsec-tool to find the socket at its correct place. Set the environment variable PARSEC_SERVICE_ENDPOINT in your shell before using the parsec-tool as follows:

export PARSEC_SERVICE_ENDPOINT=unix:/correct/path/to/parsec/endpoint/parsec.sock

Pinging the Service

Before running any other operations, it is useful first to check that the Parsec service is running and healthy. To use the parsec-tool, you type parsec-tool, followed by the name of the command that you want to run, followed by any additional arguments that are needed by that specific command. The ping command is the simplest command, and it doesn't require any additional arguments:

parsec-tool ping

If the service is running and healthy, you will see output as follows:

[INFO] Service wire protocol version

If you see this message, your Parsec service is running and responding normally, and you can proceed with the other examples in this guide.

If you don't see this message, check the troubleshooting steps below.

  • If you see the error parsec-tool: command not found it means that parsec-tool is either not installed or cannot be found in any of the directories on your $PATH. Check the installation guide to learn how to obtain the parsec-tool and to ensure that it can be found.
  • The fault message [ERROR] Error spinning up the BasicClient: the socket address provided in the URL is not valid might be seen. This might mean that parsec-tool is trying to locate the service API endpoint at the wrong location. By default, parsec-tool expects the Parsec service endpoint to be /run/parsec/parsec.sock. If your Parsec service is using a different endpoint, then you need to set the PARSEC_SERVICE_ENDPOINT environment variable to the correct path. See the section above on setting the endpoint. Another cause of this error might be that your current user is not a member of the parsec-clients group. When you install Parsec using a package manager, the package scripts normally create parsec-clients group, and only users who are members of this group are allowed to contact the service endpoint. Use the groups command to list the groups that your current user is a member of, and refer to the installation guide for help on setting the correct permissions.

If these steps do not help, the Parsec community may be able to assist you. We are always very happy to hear from users with your questions and queries. Head over to the community repo to learn how to get in touch via Slack and Zoom.

Checking the Service Back-End Configuration

The parsec-tool includes commands that can help you check on how the service has been set up. These checks can be useful, for example, if you wish to make sure that the Parsec service is using the correct secure hardware on your device, such as your Trusted Platform Module (TPM) or Hardware Security Module (HSM).

To check the hardware back-end configuration of Parsec on your device, run this command:

parsec-tool list-providers

This command displays a list of the back-end provider modules that have been activated in the Parsec service. The entry at the top of this list is the most important one, because this entry tells you which back-end provider will be used by default. You should pay particular attention to this entry, and ensure that it matches your expectations for how Parsec has been integrated with your device hardware.

If you are experimenting or prototyping with Parsec in a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) or non-production environment, you will probably be using the software back-end (also known as the Mbed Crypto or Mbed TLS back-end). This is the back-end provider that is configured out of the box in new Parsec installations. It will appear in the list as follows:

ID: 0x01 (Mbed Crypto provider)
Description: User space software provider, based on Mbed Crypto - the reference implementation of the PSA crypto API
Version: 0.1.0
Vendor: Arm
UUID: 1c1139dc-ad7c-47dc-ad6b-db6fdb466552

If you are using this back-end, then you should be aware that it does not offer any specific security features. This back-end provider is suitable for evaluation and experimentation only.

For Parsec to be integrated with a hardware or firmware TPM on your device, the topmost back-end provider should be the TPM provider, which will appear as follows:

ID: 0x03 (TPM provider)
Description: TPM provider, interfacing with a library implementing the TCG TSS 2.0 Enhanced System API specification.
Version: 0.1.0
Vendor: Trusted Computing Group (TCG)
UUID: 1e4954a4-ff21-46d3-ab0c-661eeb667e1d

For Parsec to be integrated with a hardware module using the PKCS#11 interface, the topmost entry should be:

ID: 0x02 (PKCS #11 provider)
Description: PKCS #11 provider, interfacing with a PKCS #11 library.
Version: 0.1.0
Vendor: OASIS Standard.
UUID: 30e39502-eba6-4d60-a4af-c518b7f5e38f

For hardware accessed through a CryptoAuthLib interface, the entry should be:

ID: 0x05 (CryptoAuthentication Library provider)
Description: User space hardware provider, utilizing MicrochipTech CryptoAuthentication Library for ATECCx08 chips
Version: 0.1.0
Vendor: Arm
UUID: b8ba81e2-e9f7-4bdd-b096-a29d0019960c

For Parsec to integrate with a PSA root-of-trust implementation via the Trusted Services project, the entry should be:

ID: 0x04 (Trusted Service provider)
Description: Software exposing functionality provided by the Crypto Trusted Service running in a Trusted Execution Environment
Version: 0.1.0
Vendor: Arm
UUID: 71129441-508a-4da6-b6e8-7b98a777e4c0

In all configurations, there will be a final entry in the list that reads as follows, indicating the core back-end that is always enabled for administrative operations:

ID: 0x00 (Core Provider)
Description: Software provider that implements only administrative (i.e. no cryptographic) operations
Version: 0.8.0
Vendor: Unspecified
UUID: 47049873-2a43-4845-9d72-831eab668784

You can learn more details about the different Parsec back-end providers here.

Checking the Service Front-End Configuration

The Parsec service includes front-end configuration modules known as authenticators. These are used to ensure that the operations of multiple client applications are kept separate from one another. Parsec authenticator modules contain logic to decide on the identity of any client application that is using the service. Client applications of any given identity will each have their own namespace, which means that any named keys that they create will be visible only to them, and never to other client applications.

The following command can be used to display the authenticator mechanism that is in use:

parsec-tool list-authenticators

By default, this command will output the following:

[INFO ] Available authenticators:
ID: 0x03 (Unix Peer Credentials authentication)
Description: Uses Unix peer credentials to authenticate the client. Verifies that the self-declared Unix user identifier (UID) in the request's authentication header matches that which is found from the peer credentials.
Version: 0.1.0

This message means that Parsec will use the Unix user identifier of each client process as the scope of the namespace. Any client applications that run as the same Unix user will be considered the same client, and will see the same set of created keys. Client applications running as different Unix users will likewise see different sets of keys.

It is also possible for client applications to be differentiated based on a SPIFFE identity. If authentication has been configured in this way, then the command output will look as follows:

[INFO ] Available authenticators:
ID: 0x04 (JWT SPIFFE Verifiable Identity Document authentication)
Description: Authenticator validating a JWT SPIFFE Verifiable Identity Document
Version: 0.1.0

The final supported method is known as Direct Authentication. This method is not recommended for production environments, but it can be used for evaluation. In this mode, the Parsec service will allow each client application to declare its own identity as a simple string, which will not be validated in any way. Client applications need to trust each other to use distinct strings in a sensible way. When this method is configured, the command output will read as follows:

[INFO ] Available authenticators:
ID: 0x01 (Direct authentication)
Description: Directly parses the authentication field as a UTF-8 string and uses that as the application identity. Should be used for testing only.
Version: 0.1.0

You can learn more details about the different Parsec front-end authenticators here.

Signing with an Elliptic Curve Key

Let's learn how to create an Elliptic Curve (EC) key pair in Parsec, and use it to sign a message. Create an EC key pair with the default curve and settings as follows:

parsec-tool create-ecc-key --key-name my-ecc-key

This command will produce the following output:

[INFO ] Creating ECC signing key...
[INFO ] Key "my-ecc-key" created.

You can also use the list-keys command:

parsec-tool list-keys

This will list the key that you just created, in addition to any others that have been created by the same client:

* my-ecc-key (Mbed Crypto provider, EccKeyPair { curve_family: SecpR1 }, 256 bits, permitted algorithm: AsymmetricSignature(Ecdsa { hash_alg: Specific(Sha256) }))

You can export the public part of the key using the export-public-key command:

parsec-tool export-public-key --key-name my-ecc-key

This will output the public part of the key in PEM format, similar to the output shown below:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

To sign a simple plaintext messsage with this key, use the sign command:

parsec-tool sign --key-name my-ecc-key "Hello Parsec"

This command will automatically hash the message with the SHA-256 algorithm and then ask the Parsec service to use the private key to sign the hash. The resulting signature will be shown in a base-64 encoding:

[INFO ] Hashing data with Sha256...
[INFO ] Signing data with Ecdsa { hash_alg: Specific(Sha256) }...

Signing with an RSA Key

We can use RSA keys for digital signatures. The following command will create a new RSA key pair and set its purpose as a signing key:

parsec-tool create-rsa-key --key-name my-rsa-signing-key --for-signing

This will create an RSA signing key of the default key strength, which is 2048 bits. You can use the list-keys command to check that this key was created:

parsec-tool list-keys

This will list the key that you just created, in addition to any others that have been created by the same client:

* my-rsa-signing-key (Mbed Crypto provider, RsaKeyPair, 2048 bits, permitted algorithm: AsymmetricSignature(RsaPkcs1v15Sign { hash_alg: Specific(Sha256) }))

You can export the public part of the key using the export-public-key command:

parsec-tool export-public-key --key-name my-rsa-signing-key

This will output the public part of the key in PEM format, similar to the output shown below:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

To sign a simple plaintext message with this key, use the sign command:

parsec-tool sign --key-name my-rsa-signing-key "Hello Parsec"

This command will automatically hash the message with the SHA-256 algorithm and then ask the Parsec service to use the private key to sign the hash. The resulting signature will be shown in a base-64 encoding:

[INFO ] Hashing data with Sha256...
[INFO ] Signing data with RsaPkcs1v15Sign { hash_alg: Specific(Sha256) }...

Encryption with an RSA Key

We can use RSA keys for asymmetric encryption and decryption. Encryption is performed using the public key, while decryption uses the private key.

Create an RSA key pair for encryption as follows:

parsec-tool create-rsa-key --key-name my-rsa-enc-key

Use the list-keys command to check that the key exists:

parsec-tool list-keys

The output will include a line for the key that you just created, similar to the following:

* my-rsa-enc-key (Mbed Crypto provider, RsaKeyPair, 2048 bits, permitted algorithm: AsymmetricEncryption(RsaPkcs1v15Crypt))

Export the public part of the key using the export-public-key command:

parsec-tool export-public-key --key-name my-rsa-enc-key

This command will output the public key in PEM format as follows:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

For convenience, you can use the parsec-tool to encrypt a simple plaintext message using the public key:

parsec-tool encrypt --key-name my-rsa-enc-key "secret message"

The ciphertext will be output as a base-64 encoding:

[INFO ] Encrypting data with RsaPkcs1v15Crypt...

Now use the decrypt command to decrypt this same piece of ciphertext using the private part of the key pair, which should recover the original message:

parsec-tool decrypt --key-name my-rsa-enc-key ivk6yCKxFlIXRaQkfI5SrvhJtVXUz2VoXwC2xK7zU6UG1w0LNk7ZScz1pgpghc0IgftjjvhzK+6R4z0iT+KCVP8V0jbn7TatqyN6BK0n9Fvjit6fS1mgIGwUfK0U5bG9oQV6j3GXzfoiX6LyOGNRsY8rH4dvk1Qh894qtY1bGCj2sNsA5DRpwXvY5fIP6UWgbTGJ+gtXDNpdlQl2nT6XlWWgOZmddYukQMQhXrg0LelODPEHrphJBz3Dh2KTw2DNj2f6io1hP3JSnkillPyvAN2RdmRACDXmwE76L1lISh4n8O784s1mZwGLPqpnDS+gQfnxhk2XBn/rUAU4rTAexg==


[INFO ] Decrypting data with RsaPkcs1v15Crypt...
secret message

You wouldn't normally perform both the encryption and decryption using parsec-tool in this way. More commonly, the encryption part would be done by an external component using the exported public key, and only the decryption part would be performed inside Parsec (which has exclusive access to the private key). This tutorial video shows a similar demonstration of an RSA encryption workflow using parsec-tool, where the encryption is performed externally using an online encryption tool.

Generating a Random Number

The Parsec command-line tool can be used to generate random numbers using the entropy facilities provided by the configured back-end provider. Use the following command:

parsec-tool generate-random --nbytes 8

The output will be similar to the following:

[INFO ] Generating 8 random bytes...
[INFO ] Random bytes:
4B 9B FB 11 55 D9 7F 41

Vary the --nbytes argument to generate random sequences of different sizes.

Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

We can create CSRs using the parsec-tool. Before a CSR can be created, an asymmetric key pair must exist. In this example, you'll start with a 2048-bit RSA key pair for signing, created as follows:

parsec-tool create-rsa-key --key-name my-rsa-csr-key --for-signing

Once we have a signing key, we can output a CSR using the create-csr command as follows:

parsec-tool create-csr --key-name my-rsa-csr-key --cn my-common-name

This will output an encoded CSR:


The create-csr command allows many components of the Distinguished Name (DN) to be customized, including the serial number. It is also possible to specify one or more Subject Alternative Names (SAN) in the CSR. Display the help text for this command as follows:

parsec-tool create-csr --help

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