
Lists all clients currently having keys in the service. Opcode: 27 (0x001B)


No parameters are needed for this operation.


clientsVector of StringList of clients

Specific response status codes

  • AdminOperation: this operation is an admin operation and cannot be requested by a user application.


This operation lists all clients that are currently storing data in the Parsec service. The clients field contain a vector of the application names used by clients.

This operation necessitates admin privilege.

Only the clients using the same authentication method as this request will be listed. It has no impact currently as only one authentication method in the service is supported but might do if the service supports multiple.

Note: this operation might return wrong results if clients' data is being modified while it executes. For example, if a new client is creating keys while this operation is being performed, this new client might not show in the output.



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