
This document offers details on the currently supported providers.

For information regarding the function providers play in the Parsec service, read the Interfaces and Dataflow doc. For details on how the service code is structured around providers, read the Source Code Structure doc.

Core Provider

Provider UUID: 47049873-2a43-4845-9d72-831eab668784

The core provider is a non-cryptographic provider, tasked with storing and distributing both static and dynamic information about the service. It is the base for service discovery, helping clients identify what functionality is available.

One instance of the core provider must always be running with a provider ID of zero (0x00).

Mbed Crypto Provider

Provider UUID: 1c1139dc-ad7c-47dc-ad6b-db6fdb466552

The Mbed Crypto provider is a software-based provider built on top of Mbed Crypto - the reference implementation of the PSA cryptography specification. Mbed Crypto is loaded as a static library and executes with the rest of the service in user-space.

As a software provider, Mbed Crypto does not offer the same security guarantees as other hardware-based providers and does not store its keys in a secure location in hardware, but directly on disk. Because of that, the Mbed Crypto provider should not be used securely for private key operations but can be used to simplify proof of concept projects. It is also worth noting that the Mbed Crypto library stores persistent keys (i.e. all keys produced via Parsec) in the working directory of the service. Thus, take precautions if you would like to provide some level of security to the stored keys, or if you wish to ensure they are persisted across reboots - these extra considerations should be directed at the working directory of the Parsec service.

TPM Provider

Provider UUID: 1e4954a4-ff21-46d3-ab0c-661eeb667e1d

The TPM provider offers an abstraction over hardware (or software) Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) version 2. It uses the TPM2 Software Stack Enhanced System API to communicate with the TPM and thus requires the TSS libraries to be on the machine.

Follow the installation guide to install the TSS libraries. To use the "device" TCTI, the user running Parsec will need to have access rights on /dev/tpm0 and /dev/tpmrm0. For that matter, installing the udev rules is needed and the user running Parsec will need to be in the tss group.

The provider operates with keys based in the Owner Hierarchy. Thus, Parsec needs to be able to authenticate with the TPM and to create a primary key and children keys derived from the primary. Given current constraints, only one request at a time can be serviced by this provider - the rest being blocked, waiting their turn.

PKCS 11 Provider

Provider UUID: 30e39502-eba6-4d60-a4af-c518b7f5e38f

The PKCS11 provider is a wrapper around the PKCS 11 standard interface, capable of working with software or hardware modules that expose this API. Linking is done dynamically, and requires a library that can drive the crypto engine.

Connecting to the PKCS11 module requires a slot number and, ideally, a PIN number that secures the slot.

Microchip CryptoAuthentication Library Provider

Provider UUID: b8ba81e2-e9f7-4bdd-b096-a29d0019960c

This provider allows to use the ATECCx08 cryptographic chip using a wrapper around the CryptoAuthentication Library.

Trusted Service Provider

Provider UUID: 71129441-508a-4da6-b6e8-7b98a777e4c0

This provider exposes functionality provided by the Crypto Trusted Service running in a Trusted Execution Environment. The provider interfaces with the Trusted Services through the libts dynamic library which bridges over to Secure World.

If you would like to try out this provider on a Linux PC, you can build and install an in-process version of the Trusted Services following the instructions here.

The code for the Trusted Services project can be found here.

Copyright 2019 Contributors to the Parsec project.